Dance with the sky

Dance with the sky

Par : Isabelle Vobmann


Description de l'oeuvre
Last night, I had a dream. I imagined that I could dance in the sky. I believed I could touch the clouds and move them with my arms. My dress turned and turned again and, the entire world around me began to move. That was a real communion with the universe. It was a magic moment and, suddenly, I woke up.
What a funny dream ?
Now I think again about this dream and my opinion is that all our actions, all our thoughts have an impact over our world and over other persons. You can imagine a road for your life and ,if you believe hard enough, you can walk on it as far as your heart can go.
That what means "Dance with the sky".

Mots clés :
/ , /

Poids :
Taille : 116x89 cm


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